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Oaklin Express

Rapid help for urgent challenges.

We know that there are times when you need help in a hurry. We are increasingly hearing from our clients that they often want help with short notice and short deadline challenges, but they feel it will take more time and effort to secure external support than they have available. This is why we have invented Oaklin Express!

"An absolute commitment to turn up, do an outstanding job, then pack up and head home, all within three weeks."

Oaklin Express is a new and innovative way for senior leaders to access top level professional help for discrete and short-term engagements. It’s designed to minimise bureaucracy and provide rapid access to a small, expert team, at short notice, to further a specific goal.

It comprises

  • A fixed three-week engagement
  • A fixed price
  • A fixed team structure of one Oaklin partner or associate partner, and one consultant or analyst
  • Light touch commercials constrained to a letter or email
  • A fixed amount of graphic design support for impressive Board level deliverables
  • An absolute commitment to turn up, do an outstanding job, then pack up and head home, all within three weeks.






Who is Oaklin Express for

We expect Oaklin Express to be attractive to senior business leaders who are looking to

  • Create or polish a Board level presentation
  • Create new ways of looking at business problems through customer centric design
  • Carry out a high-level strategic options analysis
  • Start a complex project and get it moving quickly
  • Review the health of an existing project that may be in difficulty
  • Kick-start innovation with a sprint to deliver mid fidelity tested prototypes and plans on how to scale

Gabriela Secova

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“I am passionate about helping clients get the results they need, when they need them. I love the idea of short-circuiting the lengthy procurement process that is important for bigger engagements, by offering clients a new and different way of engaging the Oaklin team when they have a short term need."

Gabriela Secova, inventor of Oaklin Express

Gabriela Secova


Gabriela employs her strong interpersonal, analytical and organisational skills to solve problems and achieve tangible results. Her most recent roles at Oaklin have included work in the operations team (Marketing, Finance), knowledge management and innovation.

Gabriela joined us after graduating from an MA in arts and cultural management at King’s College London. She has experience across communications, arts and the charity sector, and is very adaptable to a wide range of stakeholders and environments.

Case Study

A rapid, strategic options analysis for a UK energy supplier

The Managing Director of a major UK energy supplier asked Oaklin to quickly help him understand how best to respond to a new regulatory change. The regulator, Ofgem, had launched a new flagship requirement that all customers should be able to switch their energy supplier in one day (down from an average of 21 days). This would require fundamental business and technology change, at a time when the business was already undergoing a highly complex digital transformation and customer migration. The detail of the regulatory requirement was not well understood, and there was a lack of clarity over how this could be achieved alongside the many other competing priorities. 

In just three weeks, a small Oaklin team conducted an intensive options analysis. First, Oaklin rapidly determined what success would look like for the client, and what the priorities were. Alongside this, the team worked with experts across the business – including regulatory, technology, and business process teams – to understand the changes that would be needed, challenge existing assumptions, and examine the relative merits of multiple technology and business process solutions that could be implemented in the time available. This culminated in a strategic options analysis and clear recommendation, which carefully considered the costs, risks, implications and strategic value of each potential course of action. The Oaklin team distilled this complexity into a succinct Board paper for the Group Executive Committee, enabling the Managing Director to gain leadership buy-in to his approach and secure the necessary funding.  

Need something bigger?

Learn about our full capabilities for major transformations: